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piektdiena, 2013. gada 26. aprīlis

St. Nikolay Orthodox Naval Cathedral

Cathedral was built in 1901-03 in Karosta (Naval port). It is one of the biggest orthodox churches in Latvia that can host up to 1 500 people. Foundation stone of the building was laid by the Russian Emperor Nikolay II, together with his family and court representatives he has also took part in the first service in 1903. 
The church was built after the project of Petersburg architect Vasily Kosyakov, who has designed it in the style of Byzantine churches of the 17th century, with characteristic traits of richness and magnificence. 
Unique construction of the church has no supporting columns and puts all its weight on four cross-vaults. Construction of the building has coasted about half a million golden rubles. 
In the Soviet times interior of the church was severely damaged, it hosted a sports hall and a cinema. The building was returned to the Orthodox church in 1994 and now enjoys a true renaissance.

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